Why is this Matzah Different from All Other Matzah? (Answer: Because it’s made in the Gesher Brick Matza (neé Pizza) Oven!

In Darkening World, Celebrate the Light of Passover at Gesher, the home of home-made Matzah

All events will be in person!


Seders will be outdoors with heaters — dress warmly!

First Night Community Seder

Saturday, April 12th, 5:00 pm
This is the most important story that we live: the passage from slavery to freedom defines us as a people.  It cultivates our soulful search for justice.  We confront the Pharaohs of our day and frolic in freedom.  Gesher will provide the slave clothing, exit visas and a feast for our Passover seder journey from slavery to freedom.  Children and adults are invited into a participatory celebration. We will role play our jobs in Egypt, build pyramids, find our way through the desert, escape through the sea and feast in freedom, (while both seriously and humorously contemplating what this means to us.)  Bring pillows to lean on.  All are welcome. RSVP necessary!

Second Night Community Seder

Sunday, April 13th, 5:00 pm

This is the most important story that we live again: the passage from slavery to freedom defines us as a people.  It cultivates our soulful search for justice.  We confront the Pharaohs of our day and frolic in freedom.  Gesher will provide the slave clothing, exit visas and a feast for our Passover seder journey from slavery to freedom.  Children and adults are invited into a participatory celebration. We will role play our jobs in Egypt, build pyramids, find our way through the desert, escape through the sea and feast in freedom, (while both seriously and humorously contemplating what this means to us.)  Bring pillows to lean on.  All are welcome. RSVP necessary!


Passsover Cooking Workshop

Sunday, April 6th, 10am-2pm

A cooking extravaganza: making matzah balls, soup, kugels, Rabbi Gary's famous Pacific NW gefilte fish, tsimmes

Make Matzah! Homemade Matzah in the Kosher for Passover Brick Matzah (Nee Pizza) Oven Workshop

Sunday, April 6th, 12-4pm

Hands-on Fun for all ages: make charoset, and a LOT o’ Matzah!  Passover storytelling as we work! Come whenever is good for your schedule RSVP here. Masks are required, because this cooking event will be indoors.

And join us for dessert:

Bedikat Chametz and a Bonfire — with s’mores!

Thursday , April at 2 PM

Especially Fun for Families with Young Children and meaningful on a soul level for Adults. We physically and spiritually Search for Chametz , the last vestiges of leavened food not eaten on Passover.  We use candles and feathers for searching, and make sure to find some tasty treats before we burn the rest of the chametz in a bonfire. This spiritual and physical exercise is held at Gesher. Please RSVP here. Masks are required, because the search will be indoors.


Is the World crumbling as it melts into darkness? The war in Gaza still rages, the hostages (many of them) are still not returned. A new administration strikes at the assumptions of what it means to govern, and seeks to eliminate the scaffolding of caring in our country. Each of us has our own Egypt. It’s an especially important time to connect to Jewish nourishment and joy, and ponder, together in the caring Jewish community of Gesher, the journey from Egypt.

What will release us and our people from our bonds, this year? How will we journey forth in search of a more promising land?

Adults $36-$72 (sliding scale)

No one is turned away for inability to contribute this much or anything at all.

"Let all who are hungry come and eat!"  

Larger donations are very much appreciated as they help us provide for those who cannot pay.